Security Awareness Training

The purpose of Information Security Awareness Training is to raise awareness about protection from cyber threats, good practices, and related policies to help prevent unintentional compromises of sensitive information and computing systems.

Many organizations also require security awareness training to comply with industrial or regional regulations, including (but not limited to) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), PHIPA, PIDEDA and PIPEDA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Payment Card Initiative (PCI). (

Below is the e-learning course outline.

Information Security Awareness Training 1 - General Knowledge

  • Passwords
  • Emails
  • Social Engineering
  • Access Control
  • The Clean Desk Principle
  • Phishing


Information Security Awareness Training 2 - Risk Based Micro Learning

  • Phishing by Phone
  • Whaling
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC)
  • Web Phishing
  • Vishing
  • Ransomware


Information Security Awareness Training 3 - Risk Based Nano Learning

  • Cyber Attack
  • Detection
  • Social Networks
  • Vishing
  • Wi-Fi Security
  • Malicious Website URL
  • Credential Theft